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account for

美 [əˈkaʊnt fɔːr]英 [əˈkaʊnt fɔː(r)]
  • (数量或比例上)占;解释,说明(某事);导致,解释(某种事实或情况);(某人)对(行动、政策等)负有责任;将(钱款)列入(预算)
account foraccount for

account for


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB (数量或比例上)占
    If a particular thing accounts for a part or proportion of something, that part or proportion consists of that thing, or is used or produced by it.

    Computers account for 5% of the country's commercial electricity consumption.


  • 2
    PHRASAL VERB 导致;解释
    If something accounts for a particular fact or situation, it causes or explains it.

    Now, the gene they discovered today doesn't account for all those cases.


  • 3
    PHRASAL VERB 为…提出理由;对…作出说明
    If you can account for something, you can explain it or give the necessary information about it.

    How do you account for the company's alarmingly high staff turnover?...


  • 4
    PHRASAL VERB 对(行动、政策等)负有责任
    If someone has to account for an action or policy, they are responsible for it, and may be required to explain it to other people or be punished if it fails.

    The President and the President alone must account for his government's reforms.


  • 5
    PHRASAL VERB 将(钱款)列入预算
    If a sum of money is accounted for in a budget, it has been included in that budget for a particular purpose.

    The really heavy redundancy costs have been accounted for.


  • 6
    PHRASAL VERB 杀死;消灭;打败
    If you account for an enemy or opponent, you kill, destroy, or beat them.

    In the first ten days of May our squadron accounted for at least seven enemy aircraft...



give reasons for
Can you account for all these absences?
be the reason or explanation for
The recession accounts for the slow retail business


  1. The social services account for a substantial part of public spending .


  2. Catering may now account for close on a quarter of pub turnover .


  3. We have to account for every penny we spend on business trips .


  4. Together they account for less than five per cent of the population


  5. Computers account for 5 % of the country 's commercial electricity consumption .


  6. Now , the gene they discovered today doesn 't account for all those cases .


  7. The President and the President alone must account for his government 's reforms .


  8. Ministers should be called to account for their actions .


  9. How do you account for the company 's alarmingly high staff turnover ?


  10. She modestly suggests that ' sex , or at any rate gender , may account for the difference '


  11. The minority nationalities account for six per cent of the population .


  12. How are you going to account for this ?


  13. Two things account for its occurrence .


  14. I 'll draw up a detailed account for you .


  15. How do you account for the dent in the car ?


  16. If you don 't give us a receipt , how are we going to account for it ?


  17. If every distraction took only 1 minute , that would account for 2.5 hours a day .


  18. Overall , stress-related health problems account for up to 90 % of hospital visits , many of them preventable .


  19. One reason is that more countries are big oil producers now , so the nations suffering from the price drop account for a larger share of the global economy .


  20. Nevertheless , the company may still be cursing its decision to promote cheap choices over more expensive ones because items on its " value menu " now account for around 20 % of all sales , up from 12 % last October .


  21. Remittances sometimes account for as much as 20 % of GDP .


  22. The danger of motorcycling also helps account for many people 's low opinion of the sport .


  23. Okay , you might say . But doesn 't this high incarceration rate partly account for our really low crime rate ?


  24. The mate observed regretfully that he could not account for that young fellow 's whims .


  25. World navigation systems have just been updated to account for the pole 's rapid movement , which the scientists say , could continue for decades yet .


  26. China now has a total area of 23.46 million hectares of wetlands , of which mangrove forests account for 27100 , according to the third national land resource survey .


  27. Due to strong purchasing power , products of luxury brands like Burberry , LV and Gucci bought by Chinese consumers account for one third of the total sales volume in the industry .


  28. APEC currently has 21 members , including most with a coastline on the Pacific Ocean . Members account for approximately 40 percent of the world 's population , 54 percent of the world gross domestic product , and about 44 percent of world trade .


  29. According to China University Alumni Association , among those who score well enough in China 's highly competitive exam system to get into university , 19.39 % choose to study Economics and 19.06 % select Business Management , which means business & management related majors account for almost half of the popular majors .


  30. Hierarchy Description and Synthesis Account for Equipment Management Evaluation System
